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How to use essential oils?

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are highly concentrated natural extracts from the leaves, flowers and stems of plants.
The most common way to use essential oils is by inhaling them, both for their amazing scent and therapeutic properties, but they can also be used in diffusers and humidifiers, or diluted with a "carrier oil" and applied to the skin.

Essential oils have a wide range of medicinal properties. Their antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties make them a useful product to have in your medicine cabinet.

They have also been shown to promote healthy sleep, alleviate headaches and generally reduce pain. In addition, essential oils can improve the condition of the skin, help treat colds and promote healthy digestion.

BUT! The safe use of essential oils must be observed!

How to use essential oils with a diffuser

A diffuser is a device that disperses essential oils into the air. There are several types of essential oil diffusers that you can use for this purpose. For safety reasons, follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Popular types of essential oil diffusers include:

  • ceramics
  • electric
  • candles
  • lamp rings
  • ultrasound
  • crystal

Method 1: Just inhale

The simplest inhalation method is to open a bottle of pure essential oil and take a few deep breaths. But don't let undiluted oil touch your skin!

To use the steam method, you will need a bowl of hot water and a towel. Place the container on the table and add a few drops of essential oil. Place a towel over your head and bowl. Close your eyes and inhale the steam deeply for several minutes. Repeat a few times throughout the day.

Various diffusers are popular today. When diffusing essential oils into the air, take into account whether there are pregnant or lactating women, children or pets nearby. Some essential oils can be dangerous!

Method 2: Dry evaporation

This method only requires some dry material such as cotton wool, wood, porous crystal (such as lava rock) or cloth.

Add a few drops of essential oil to the material. Hold it to your nose and inhale or let the scent dissipate naturally when the material is near you.

You can add the material to car vents, a shirt collar, or a pillowcase.

Method 3: Apply essential oils on the skin

You can use essential oils for skin care and massage in different ways. Dilute the essential oils with a carrier oil (such as almond kernel) and apply the mixture to the skin. Follow the recipe or your intuition to create your own unique blend.

Focus on muscle pain and tightness. You can also gently rub the oil into pressure points such as the temples, wrists, and third eye. You can also use the oils to massage your feet and put a few drops around your nose.

Another option is to add essential oils to your favorite beauty products, such as toners, serums, and muscle rubs. But always dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil first!

Method 4: Use essential oils in the bath or shower

Although essential oils are best kept out of the bathroom due to heat and humidity, they have many uses in the bathroom. Add a few drops of essential oil to your shampoo, conditioner and body wash.

To inhale essential oils while showering, add a few drops to the walls of the shower and inhale deeply while showering. Or add a few drops of diluted essential oil to a warm washcloth that can be used for inhalations and gentle body exfoliation.

Dilute a few drops of essential oil with a carrier oil before adding to bath water. Or use the essential oil to make bath salts or bubble bath products.

Method 5: Use essential oils in a moisturizer

If you choose to add essential oils to your moisturizer, check the manufacturer's instructions. Some ultrasonic humidifier manufacturers do not recommend using essential oils.

To use essential oils in a humidifier, add a few drops to a container of water. The oil will naturally evaporate throughout the room. For best results, use cool water and clean your moisturizer regularly! 

The same applies to aroma lamps, where a candle serves as a promoter of relaxation. Be sure to mix the essential oil with water! Clean the dish regularly!

Benefits of essential oils:

Essential oils have many proven health benefits. They are a profitable, versatile and convenient way to improve your health and quality of life while being closer to nature!

You can use them to relieve pain and cramps, improve respiratory health, and heal skin conditions. They promote a healthy sleep pattern and improve mood.

Benefits of some popular essential oils:

Lavender. Lavender oil's sedative properties make it a useful oil for both emotional and physical problems, such as minor skin injuries, spasms, and sinus inflammation. It is also used to relieve headaches, anxiety and insomnia.

Tea tree. The benefits of tea tree oil go far beyond its strong medicinal scent. This oil is a skin care staple and helps treat acne, toenail fungus, and warts.

Peppermint. Peppermint oil is a powerful oil used to improve respiratory function and reduce sinus inflammation. It also has properties that help improve digestion. The stimulating aroma of peppermint can reduce nausea and improve brain function.

Orange. Orange oil can reduce anxiety and stress. This essential oil can calm your nervous system and promote healthy lymph flow. However, this is a citrus essential oil that can cause skin burns when exposed to sunlight.

Lemon. This oil is used to improve immunity, blood circulation and lymph flow. Its antibacterial and antiviral properties make it useful in treating skin conditions such as insect bites, acne and pimples. However, like orange oil, lemon oil can cause skin photosensitivity. Use carefully!

Precautions for using essential oils

Because of their potency and potential risk, essential oils should be used with caution. Do not take essential oils orally!

People who should not use essential oils without a doctor's advice include:

> older adults
> children under 12 years of age
> for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding

Be sure to consider pets as well. Some essential oils can be dangerous to pets.

Consult your doctor before using essential oils if you are taking any medications or have health problems, including high blood pressure, low immunity, or epilepsy.

Talk to a certified aromatherapist for more information about a personalized treatment plan.

Use a carrier oil
Always mix essential oils with a therapeutic grade carrier oil. Avoid oils derived from tree nuts if you have a nut allergy.

Skin sensitivity
Essential oils can aggravate the skin. Avoid using essential oils near sensitive areas such as eyes, ears and mouth. Do not apply them on cracked or inflamed skin.

Before using any carrier or essential oil, you can test for possible skin allergies by performing a "patch" test. To test, apply a small amount of the diluted oil to the inside of your wrist or under your ear. Wait 24 hours to see if irritation occurs.

Some citrus oils can cause photosensitivity if the skin is exposed to sunlight after use. Avoid using on areas of skin that will be exposed to the sun within 12 hours.


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